Eye Movement and Desensitization Reprocessing is a specialized type of therapy that allows you to gently experience your own thoughts and memories as an observer.
Commonly used for survivors of trauma and those with deeply engrained negative beliefs about themselves, the world, and others.

Feel Safe Again
If you feel unsafe, hypervigilant, jump at slight noises, become irritable without reason, apologize repeatedly without cause, or experience deep shame, you may benefit from EMDR.

Decrease Dissociation
If you sometimes feel like the world around you is not real, that you yourself are not real, find it hard to recall much of your life, or experience distinct gaps in your memory, you may benefit from EMDR.

Heal from Horror
If you have survived, witnessed, or been faced with the intimate knowledge of abuse, violence, death, sexual assault, natural disasters, or near death events, you may benefit from EMDR.